We find, sort, aggregate and published thousands of local community news feeds and present them to you in your community feed.

Our sources include local news sites and community blogs. Selected and relevant community Tweets, Obituaries, municipal alerts like crime, permits, citations and inspections and events.

Your community news should be comsumable and accessible all in one place. Skim through headlines or engage with the fully body content and then move on with your day.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a10cad7c-4a4f-49b7-84aa-07553b99fa68/news_and_dot2x.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a10cad7c-4a4f-49b7-84aa-07553b99fa68/news_and_dot2x.png" width="40px" /> Here is a video explaining how we have re-imagined local community news.



Where do you get the news from?

We Get the news from a variety of sources that are all local to you. Specifically:

How often is the news updated?

Every second we detect a change or an update.

Can i submit my blog, twitter handle or news site for syndication?

Yes please do! Visit this form and provide us with your details - we will ge right back to you!